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Medway Educational Leaders Association

1. Role 

  1. The name of the “association” is the Medway Educational Leadership Association (MELA)

  2. The association shall be an independent, non-union, non-sectarian organisation that shall concern itself with the promotion of good practice in Primary phase education.


2. Aims 

  1. To support the headteachers, deputy, assistant headteachers, School Business Managers and System Leaders in a mixed economy of primary schools in the Medway local authority.

  2. To provide professional development and conferences.

  3. To provide representation on behalf of the primary phase in Medway schools to include Local Authority (LA) maintained and independent schools such as Academies and free schools.

  4. To provide a means of consultation for the LA and other organisations.

  5. To enable effective communication between schools, the LA and other organisations.

  6. To liaise with outside agencies and national bodies.


3. Membership & Structure 

  1. All senior leaders of Medway’s schools that have primary aged pupils, including Local Authority (LA) maintained, independent and Special schools are automatically members of the Association. 

  2. Headteachers, Heads of School, Deputy and/or Assistant Headteachers, System Leaders and other members of school leadership teams have access to and may participate in the activities of the Association.

  3. Three representatives will be elected from each Learning Zone every two years to sit on the Executive committee (EC) of MELA. This will be at the last zone meeting prior to the end of the two years of office.

  4. Alterations and amendments to the Terms of Reference may be made by the EC, once any proposals have been discussed and agreed at all five Learning Zones. 

  5. The Association’s year shall be the same as the school academic year.  


4. Executive Committee (Election & Terms of Office

  1. The EC shall consist of fifteen fully elected members (3 from each Geographical Zone and the fifth Executive Zone, with the Chair of each Zone automatically receiving one of these places)

  2. Headteachers (including Executive Headteachers or equivalent) within MELA schools shall be invited to nominate themselves for a position on the EC and submit a statement to support their nomination.

  3. Nominations should be received no later than 7 calendar days prior to the date of the last Zone meeting of the two years.

  4. If the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacancies on the EC, then a ballot shall be held at the Zone meetings when all MELA members present at this meeting shall be eligible to vote.

  5. In the event that it is necessary for a member of the EC to resign or relinquish their position for any reason, a minimum notice period of half a term shall be given wherever possible.

  6. In the event of a fully elected member resigning from the EC, a vote will be had at the following Zone meeting that this member is part of, to elect a new member. Their term of office of 2 years will begin from the start of the term they were elected in.

  7. If an Executive member misses two consecutive EC meetings it will be reported back to the Zone at their next meeting and the Zone can choose to vote to replace the member if they are not happy with the reason. The new Executive member would begin a two year appointment.


5. Officers (Election & Terms of Office

  1. The position of Chair and Vice Chair of the EC will be held for a period of 12 months and will be elected by the members of the Exec committee.

  2. If the Chair resigns, or has to relinquish his/her office for any reason, another EC member will be placed as chair for the remainder of the Academic year.


6. Financial Arrangements 

  1. The Association may ask for an annual contribution per pupil per school for children in full time education (4-11). This amount will be discussed and decided on an annual basis.

  2. The Association shall also liaise closely with the LA and Academy Trusts within Medway, to ascertain whether additional funding is available. 

  3. A financial report of all funding in 6.1 and 6.2 above shall be prepared annually and be available for inspection. 

  4. The EC may authorise any funds outlined in 6.1 and 6.2 above to be deposited in a bank account of the EC’s choice (A LA School).


7. Meetings

  1. The Chair shall conduct all meetings of the EC. When the Chair is unavailable the Vice Chair will take on the responsibilities of the Chair.

  2. The EC shall meet at least 6 times a year to regulate the affairs of the Association.

  3. The EC shall be quorate when at least six of the elected members are present and all four Zones are represented.

  4. If all members from one zone are unable to attend it is their responsibility to inform other Headteachers from their Zone and to send a representative.

  5. Zone meeting are quorate if over half of the zone schools are in attendance. 


8. Representation on LA Committee, Groups & other Statutory Boards 

  1. Any requests by the LA or other organisation for headteacher representation on their committees and groups will be discussed at the EC and representation will be provided where appropriate. This may not need to be a member of the MELA Executive Committee.


To take effect from 1st September 2017

Amended October 2018

Amended May 2019 – to amend the election of chair to annually

Amended June 2023 - to add the fifth zone to MELA.


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